Hello all,
Mom went down to DC on May 3 to give her deposition to WMATA's lawyer and the lawyer for WMATA's retirement plan. The questioning lasted about and hour and Mom felt very comfortable answering what she could.
A Motion for Summary Judgement was filed on April 20, requesting that a decision be made on the case without trial. We feel that this case has been delayed enough and WMATA has had enough time to review the submitted documents.
On June 2, WMATA filed their own Motion for Summary Judgement, and "...requests the Court to deny Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment. For the reasons set forth above and as more fully developed in its Memorandum of Points and Authorities in support of its motion for summary judgment and the supporting documentation thereto, Defendant Plan requests the Court to grant its motion for summary judgment and dismiss the Plaintiff’s case in its entirety with prejudice."
Basically, they want the judge to accept their Motion, dismiss ours, and prevent us from filing further suit in court.
We will be filing a response soon, which could lead to a response from them. The judge then can rule in our favor, rule in their favor, or decide that based on the case a hearing will be held.
Either way, we hope to know SOMETHING by July 1.
God bless you all.