Monday, August 2, 2010

Dad Finishes First Week of Treatments, Has to Go Back to Mary Washington

Dad and Mom were down in North Carolina this past week starting his first "official" alternative treatments. He had nutritional supplements as well as massage and some other treatments done while he was there.

Unfortunately, he was not feeling well throughout the week - feeling weak, nauseous, and just generally not good. Tuesday morning he blacked out and fell off the bed at the hotel and hit his face on the floor, causing a black eye above his right eye. Mom and Terry were helping him and just generally scared since this hadn't happened for a few weeks.

On Thursday night (early Friday morning) Dad again blacked out. He had 4 "spells" during the night, each time he would begin to cough or clear his throat and then he would go out.

Paulie had gone down there originally to stay a few days, and then drive back home with Terry. After he saw Dad and was there for him blacking out, he decided that Dad needed to go back to Mary Washington Hospital. They packed Dad up and left Saturday and took him straight to the hospital.

Because of new medications Dad has been on for his heart his legs have begun swelling again, getting swollen to the point that they looked very similar to when he was retaining water in the hospital back in June.

Since being at the hospital, multiple tests have been done to see if there has been any additional spread or advancement with the cancer. His brain is clear, his legs are clear, and there is no additional fluid collecting around his heart.

The doctors think that the blacking out is being caused by the cancer. Dad's liver enzyme levels are elevated and his potassium and sodium levels are very low. He continues to lose muscle mass and he generally feels weak and tired.

I may be traveling down to Virginia today to be with the family and support them however I can. As I learn more I will post here. Thanks to everyone for prayer and support.

God bless.

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